Poem 39: Nursery
in this crowded room
we are alone
looking down
at each others hands
so gently
I will ask you
once more
if you remember
how we played
in the embrace
of our first nursery
it really was ours
in the beginning
clean and bright
like a new coin
spinning at the sun
and so we played
by walls that shone
when the colours sang
finding laughter
simple and close
held always
without pain
wondering how
each time
the coin turned
it could present
a different face
reminding us
that always
we were children
happy to watch
the unfolding patterns
of free light.
and so we played
on and on
or did we ?
did we stop ?
if you still
cannot remember
don’t worry
lift your head
and look at me
turn back
the cloth on the table
and we will
go out once more
to meet the rain
and perhaps
next time
in another place
you may remember
and I will
through a wash of tears
undo your hair
and see you
smile again.
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