Poem 169: A Clash of Symbols
these truths we hold as self,
evident as the pulse of the sun
in the beat of tides, saltwater
radiant in the blood and rhythm
of the saints, in the choruses
of hallelujah, beating in the walls
of cathedrals, the clamour of bells
in the coupling of twins, the roar
and comfort of chaos stepping
down into the sea of shadows,
treading with the lightness of stars.
and in these soaring hills flanked
by the cascading green of summer
the escape artist sunshine, christening
the dew at the speed of light.
and at the north end of the vineyard
nestling at the root of the true vine,
here be giants drumming
in their hammered skin, dreaming
of floating up into the uppermost
rooms of the tallest trees.
There to ponder anew with the rest
of the crew what the almighty
can do if with push comes to shove
he befriends you, and sends you
flying, steeling away, home into the blue.
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