'To Give Painless Light' – A Selection of Poems by LJS


Poem 132: In This Darkness

we should make love in the dark
you and I,
the first time when as strangers
we come
to this touching, but softly.

who says we are in hiding
in this darkness, surely not
from each other when I have held
you in my mind a thousand times
a day, … Read the rest

Poem 131: Birth

worship then

the ten thousand gods

that inhabit his senses

worship him

and then

each one in turn

in the turning

of his aspect

growing in

your recognition

of his birth

he worships you.


I weep for you

and the joy

you will give

and the joy

you will … Read the rest

Poem 130: A Flight of Swans

a flight of swans

pouring out

from a cauldron

of troubled sky,

their wings are fire

gold and gifted

from the savage sun,

clouds blossom

infinitely, torn from

a deeply hard

and roaring blue,

the wave

of white hesitates-

wings crack

and descend

as slowly

as settling ice.… Read the rest

Poem 129: Debbie

at last a unicorn

that sings

a fierce and slaying


and bites

the hand that feeds

its birth

thus breaking

myths, feraly.


the body

is an opening place

for wounds

to heal the timbres

of even your

swiftest dealing

of the street routines

that tear at the strings… Read the rest

Poem 128: Marriage

one ring

to guard

the day

one ring

to guard

the night

one ring

to bind them

a rainbow

ring of love

and light.


in this night

laying down

a bed spread

of candlelight


with our hands

a fashioning

of the beloved.… Read the rest

Poem 127: Fault Line

at this point
the image is running,


on into a circus
of fault finding
fault, and this becomes
the deadly practise
of catching
the brilliant worm of love
travelling poor
in colour and sight,
released from the earth
of single effort
sliced to unite itself
but found to be… Read the rest

Poem 126: Argument

in contemplation

of my cowardice

I shaft away

from the leaning slant

of your anger’s sun

blinding pivot

of no choice

but to reduce the

he who hesitates

to lost, lost

and lost again.… Read the rest

Poem 125: Alice in Wonderland

beneath a sea

of indifferent storms

she reigns

as the blackest of fire

calm as the night queen

from the court of flame

in the looking glass

shining as hard as stone,

but delicate as a web

or mantle of snow

in the realm of trees,

dancing for the sun,… Read the rest

Poem 124: The Space Between

my mind is a constant
falling into
its own space
giving up space
to fall into
the next black pass
of folding
a grin of knowing
into which smile
hides which smile
into hiding
the space between us
turning onto
the turning off
the next construct
duly staged
in vaudeville … Read the rest

Poem 123: Fabric of Memory

if your life

is a fabric of memory

that your day holds out

as an offering

to your tomorrows

god of growing, then

in your perfect place

you will never win

one pulse beat, from

the next moment

already a memory

in the art of this

dying conversation.… Read the rest