'To Give Painless Light' – A Selection of Poems by LJS


Poem 74: Beautiful Measure

and there never was a measure

to say my distance from the world

so far was I from believing

from completeness, from everything

but now I have me a beautiful measure

and my distance is no more than

the light before your smile

as the sun before the day

or … Read the rest

Poem 111: Now Winding Me

now winding me around this
thin edge of sorrow
the long beauty
of this earth and its song
of continual dying
heard from the hard
falling of the dark
to the easy forgiving
of the light which in one fine
mornings whisper
begat the first shell sounding
sea sounding
from … Read the rest

Poem 73: Wherever the Line

wherever the line in pure light falls

reed upon reed

rush upon rush

for all the young women

flowing green

in their young moment

turning soft treasures

for faceless kings

and the keyless majesty

of their loaning beds

now going, going, gone away

whenever the line in pure light falls.… Read the rest

Poem 72: The River

Lord the river has come

to this house

and the grass

no longer grows

beside the gravel path

too many feet

have come this way

to find the river

but this house

cannot keep them

so please

take your river

to another path

and let me be

to imagine

and … Read the rest

Poem 71: A Trivial Murder

today I killed

one of my faces

a trivial murder

for both

of our sakes

but now

at least

one less lie

to lie behind.… Read the rest

Poem 70: I Will Gather

I will gather

all your

worlds children


my blanket

we will

press together

dark and warm

and smile

our smile.… Read the rest

Poem 69:Bastards

as if
they know you
(no way)
(in your skin)
(in mine)
in the skin
(not of the skin)
in the bone
(not of the bone)
in the flesh
(not of the flesh)
in the mind
(not of the mind)

never mind
(she said)
I’m with … Read the rest

Poem 68: Wolf Wind

running now
in my natural part
sharply warm and listening,
shall it die me to this land
with its shielding night
of dark and dawn
and northern flame
now settling
in rook and scar
by sweeping hill
cold winter clear
and sharpening
given now to wires
of high and silent … Read the rest

Poem 67: Seventeen

go by the east my love

in 17 shades of brilliant white

lay gentle strings

humble the proud locks of night.

go by the west my love

in 17 shades of brilliant blue

child sea drift

moving peace on angry shores with you.

go by the south my love

in … Read the rest

Poem 66: They Wrote in Water (for DT)

they wrote in water
before you came
before you and your pen
with its crying sight
that saw the skies hidden fire
and forced its blistering heat
into the cold galley-way
of our words now washed
in the new wine
of your hearts wedding feast
that married
your pain and … Read the rest

Poem 65: Love Song in February


and there

in the deep

darkening bowel

of this months sky

under the high

flying wing

of the glowing

black thrush

my love is seen

her eyes

a soundless

blue flame

fire lighting

the sad islands

of my life

into a still night

home coming


of golden rain… Read the rest

Poem 64: tv

this fragile mind moth
casually sleeping
in his holy begotten
crackling skull
drawing down
in cornered circles
to the palisaded box
our major national
night thief
in friendly shutters
and co-resplendent channels
divorcing the rings
of knowledge
living in repeat
of yawning eyes
uncovering the split jaw
of dog happy … Read the rest

Poem 63: The Doll Man

in the safety of his mind

the doll man sits

tacked in unknowing

to formless chairs

by the firing

of the mighty pin

a jackal gun shot

from the fronted

chinese avenue

holding the sad gown

in self known sitting

shrouded cold

by the full length

of the spectered bird… Read the rest

Poem 62: Thomas the Rhymer in Vietnam

please master thomas

no more sad-eyed people

felling the restless

name of god

simple shilling turned

to the teeming shadows

then split and multiplied

by the crossed illusion

corner stone cornered

appointing a fresh faced god

for the slow

and fast faces

by mind milled

in time for the last… Read the rest

Poem 61: Sparrow

to see

another sparrow

by grey kerbstone

lay down

his wings

and sleep.… Read the rest

Poem 60: Homeless in the West End

we have a madness here
crab isolation
fearful sideways running,
no shell over
twilight bodies
as separation becomes
the darling rest
of gutter bedded men,
as in evening atonement
the rain lover
cradles his head
turns his back
on the hard light
and wondering why
(as we do)
presses the … Read the rest

Poem 59: The Tiny Minstrels

bless the tiny minstrels

and their magic eyes

that sing me dearly

as they go

processional flames

born of the Sabbath real

laughing sweet

this salutation running

gathers those who cry

to the blazing hill

there to stand

softly burning

as the holly tree

fire-fly.… Read the rest

Poem 106: The Places of Touching

the places of touching
are the parts of us that bend forever
toward the light of knowing
what we are to each other
and always will be in all ways
being and touching even when apart
for you never were alone love
even when the oneness and the tiredness
of … Read the rest

Poem 58: We Sleep On

down the candle spread
of shivered time
past plush Sunday praise
the peeling chariot blond
tracks the foundling shawl
and the adder sleeps on

along the furrow point
of sanded sky
men of thistled hair dancing
on the prongs of night
drank the brooms deadly wine
and the adder sleeps … Read the rest

Poem 57: Florida Suite

not even for you cousin
can I leave these streets
that I know
this hopeful hopeless
line of standing frames
latch row of sepia faces
scoring my family years
two up, two down
two more or less to go
from these streets
that I know
they will not be left… Read the rest

Poem 56: The Caul

unborn me
unborn river
dark ribbon cold
ribbon wood tree
lean over to me
unborn living
unborn waiting
you speak
the heron strikes
the river shudders
the caul is pierced
quickened to fragments
of rippling sun
waking me
daystream girl
birth love
birth rite
morning white
morning light
lifted day… Read the rest

Poem 55: The Silver Tree

a crescendo
of cymbaling light
announcing the day
of the journeyman
riding high
across the arena
stepped in opal
clouds following
the cloak of straw
see flames of glass
above the land
that holds

the silver tree

glittering mills
of ardent steel
surrounding the jester
crouching witless
beside the fallow … Read the rest

Poem 54: Cleopatras Needle

all these things that we are

clouded rhyme

gentle crown

singing coil

hand rapt night

of the midnight sphinx

visiting children

with their hair

for holding and parting

from being to becoming

all these things that we are.… Read the rest

Poem 53: J.L. Seagull

This good morning


on the bright wing tip

of wonder

gliding the surf

into sprays

of deafening silence… Read the rest