'To Give Painless Light' – A Selection of Poems by LJS


Poem 172: The Advent of Wings

Christmas day by the lake,

Early morning, a startled passer-by,
and then the sudden
shock and clatter of fast rising wings
beating against this thin altar of air,
heralds the Washington Park echo,
sacrificing this morning’s quiet
to this congregation of wayward crows
chattering, rising up, up and away
into … Read the rest

Poem 171: The Bird Table

this is the way the light moves
down between the potting sheds,
creating under this shallow leaf’s rib cage
a lighter darkness,
etched all around in soft green shadow
by the brilliant warmth
of this surprise of Autumn sunshine,
carefully approaching
my cool thicket of garden
with the memory
of … Read the rest

Poem 170: One More Step/ 28th March 1941.

On the 28th March 1941 Virginia Woolf committed suicide, she put on her
overcoat, filled its pockets with stones, then walked into the River Ouse
near her home and drowned herself. Her body was not found until 3
weeks later.

Having read somewhere that our bodies were made
from … Read the rest

Poem 169: A Clash of Symbols

these truths we hold as self,
evident as the pulse of the sun
in the beat of tides, saltwater
radiant in the blood and rhythm
of the saints, in the choruses
of hallelujah, beating in the walls
of cathedrals, the clamour of bells
in the coupling of twins, the roar… Read the rest

Poem 168: A Flood of Owls

In the Christ mass wars

the advent of wreaths

in the citadel of reason

the earthquake of doubt

in the apple of time

the migration of worms

in the weight of angels

the roar of sunlight

in the transparency of stone

the crash of shadows

in the eloquence of water… Read the rest

Poem 167: The Remains of the Clay

the shattered remains

of a young bird

decomposing whatever

unsung hero music

there is in this first flight

from the nest

where an errant breeze

or weak twig

or non-cooperative wing

or too loud a noise

or too absent a parent

brings this clattering

fall from grace

when even Gods … Read the rest

Poem 166: Straining for Speech

the scare crowed man in his field
of yellowed rape and purple flax
in his ragged coat of many colours,
flapping on his light polished frame,
articulating life with a deadly immobility
in every dumb gesture, eloquently
booming his vacant truth, as he breezily
shakes his gloved fist, defiant to … Read the rest

Poem 165: Les Enfants du Paradis

a deserted hut bellowing heat into
the corner of a yellowing field of corn
raised in a faith
that stubbles the mud split earth
dried by the crackling parchment thin air
of heat seeking rain.

wishing to take all that I can from
the very atoms of this pre-storm quiet… Read the rest

Poem 164: Stone Grave

in this epitaph for the flesh,
the flesh is made word
and the word heavy with light
collapsing with the patience
of a determined star
slides off the edge of a leaf
and thunders into the chosen
streams and green caverns
of the underground web
that marries water
with the … Read the rest

Poem 163: Romford

orange tree hill

in the pouring rain

a shining black and white

magpie stands

on the topmost branch

of a dark green fir tree

for an instant, she glows

against a very grey sky

and flies.

Romford Market

the children’s round-a-bout

empty, stilled

by a dead sparrow

and full of … Read the rest